Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Can your hair color really change in the sun??

I have never dyed my hair before, or have it permed and I really don't plan on to any time soon! my hair is dark brown.. I mean super super super super SUPER dark brown ... but like only on the top and cuz my hair is like.. i would say pretty dern long ... the bottom is kinda dead xD. so its like a brown, not dark! but its lighterr.. er er er..

bwahahaha xD

and for the past years my friends and i have noticed some gold hairs in my hair!

i mean i do spend a lot of my time in the sun :)

and my question is if thats really the cause? the reason for my hair to change its color.. only a few stands though..but really.. can your hair color really change in the sun?

Can your hair color really change in the sun??

The sun acts like a bleach in a way. Have you ever heard the term "bleached out by the sun"? Also the enviornment takes its toll on hair. Keep it trimmed and healthy- those weathered ends might be going dull from over the counter hair care products and stress from the blowdryer/ heat tools, etc...

Can your hair color really change in the sun??


Can your hair color really change in the sun??

yes, it does. the sun gives off natural rays that naturally lighten the pigments in your hair

Can your hair color really change in the sun??

Okay, I don't think it just changes a few hairs. I think it would change a lot of them. My brother's hair gets progressively redder throughout the summer months, when his hair is more on the brown side of auburn. Your hair has layers, and under brown, is sometimes red, or blonde I believe. UV might do it I don't quite know. However I don't think just a few random hairs would go blonde from the sun.

Can your hair color really change in the sun??

The UV radiation that the sun sends out work to have a bleaching type of effect on peoples' hairs.

My hair is more brown nowadays, but when I was young I remember that in the winter my hair would be dirty-blondish and in the summer it would be so white blonde. It can have quite an effect.

If you want lighter hair though, dye it. Don't turn into all the girls I see at university who obviously live in a tanning bed and their faces look like they are made of leather.

Can your hair color really change in the sun??

ya, it does, it makes it lighter, kinda like bleaching it, it happens all the time to my hair during the summer, but it gets darker in the winter again.

Can your hair color really change in the sun??

Yes. The most synonimous hair with Sun Light color change is "Strawberry Blond". This hair is expected to change in Sun Light with the most easily noticed change being from a Golden to a Redish tone. I had a doll that's hair went from Golden to White to Pink in Sun Light ( it was not manufactured to do that but may have been real hair).

The best examples of Real Human hair changeing color after cosmetic treatment are the African American early Barbie Dolls. Their hair turned from Black to Redish. It was a flaw that makes them have a high price now because of popularity.

The Root to this color change was "Oxydization" (I doubt I spelt that correctly,.. you should be better at spelling then me). This is now popular for cleaning tile, whitening teeth, and bleaching hair. Now normally it has been found ways now so you do not need the sun. Things are opened up and disconnected on a level you can't see so dirt and pigment is removed from something ( tile, teeth, bones, hair,.. whatever.)

My mom's boyfriend has been talking non stop for over 24 hours, even in his sleep %26gt;.%26lt; It's makeing it hard to think of the proper words and stuff.

Part of the process of whitening hair or makeing it ready for being colored is cleaning out and opening up the hair folicals in hopes of doing alot of damage that the color will fill in and glue hair together. Not that anyone can understand that so they will be frightened now and give me thumbs down, then months from now ask if bleaching and hair color damages your hair v.v;

So there is more then one type of Oxy-- whatever-the-spelling. One route opens the other changes color on a chemical level. You have to also bare in mind the Sun does feed things into your skin and hair, these add to the changes ( not light but things like Vitamin E and some things that have sole origin in coming from the sun).

If you want to experience a combo of chemical reactions triggering color change and also ones that absorb pieces essential to "Glow" (which some plants and animals also do). Go get a Glowin the Dark Skeleton. Also look for Glow in the Dark Braclets. These now are set up to lean towards different ways of working. The Skeletons take in things from certain types of light ( not all light bulbs will work) and they hold in and use them,.. until a point (posibly 20 minutes). Glow in the Dark Bracelets now are increaseingly a special chemical reaction. The two combonations of chemicals are seperated, when you crash what is holding them or their gelatin form, the Chemicals will mix and react by glowing.

In both cases of Skeletons and Bracelets, the color will actually change. Because the Skeleton is one that absorb pieces of the things feeding into things from certain types of lighting, it will likely turn Green ( which is exactly the same problem Blonds run into when their folicals are opened and they are exposed to intence light,.. such as swiming in a pool when it's 100 degrees in the summer). Because the chemicals in the Bracelets are more ranged ( not just one element being added) they have a broader color range,... this is similar to Hair Colors. The problem everyone runs into is their hair color changeing with time. To "Seal" your hair your coloring chemicals are actually mixed with something to make a certain color stay and you are asked to use a conditioner to stabolize things. People also get Shampoos and Conditioners that will reactiviate the coloring chemicals lightly so "your color" will be restored or maintained longer. This being the chemical color not your natural hair color.

Most things react to Sunlight. Some medications even change chemically or come apart ( the chemicals detach and break down to a simplier form) when exposed to sunlight... which is very very dangerous. Never place your hair color products container, medication containers, or OTC containers... or bags those are in... in sun light or places heated up by sunlight.

The Sun likes to screw with Chemical Composition I guess is the fastest way to explain things.

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