Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why do so many people keep coloring thier hair?

80 percent of the time it look damaged or they have a funky color usually oranged based or bleaced out blonde?

Why do so many people keep coloring thier hair?

there is nothing wrong with people coloring their hair, but there is a big problem with people doing things to their hair that their hair just wont support.

Why do so many people keep coloring thier hair?

Simply bored with there appearance.

Why do so many people keep coloring thier hair?

it's popular fashion..

Why do so many people keep coloring thier hair?

b'coz they wants to look young all time.

Why do so many people keep coloring thier hair?

Don't use blonde. Use natural brown to cover the grey that started comming in when I was in my early 20's.

Why do so many people keep coloring thier hair?

Their choice.

They just want to look more western.(maybe they are ashamed of being what they really are)

Why do so many people keep coloring thier hair?

people don't really care about the damage. it doesn't really show.

Why do so many people keep coloring thier hair?

because they want to duh

Why do so many people keep coloring thier hair?

for a change and to cover greys.

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