Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What color hair would be good for me?

I am thinking of coloring my hair a reddish tint, but I'm not for sure if it would look good with my pale complexion. I would like some opinions and suggestions on some good colors. Any negative nay-sayers please keep their remarks to themselves, thanks.



The Hair Color I'm Considering:


What color hair would be good for me?

Well..... you could try it if you like but just know this; All red's fade. It will start looking a little orange after a few weeks. Also you have to be willing to do the new growth every month or so.

Personally I think what you need is a good cut. It needs some shape and layers. It looks very heavy. It weighs your face down.

Also you would see a huge change in your looks just by plucking or waxing your eye brows.

Best of Luck to you.

What color hair would be good for me?

No sorry, I think you should stay your color, and switch up the style or something.

What color hair would be good for me?

i think it would look great! my friend looks similar to you and she died her hair a color a little bit darker than that and it looks great!

What color hair would be good for me?

Go for it. Hair grows in good as new and I can't see the colour being too disastrous as long as it's applied right.

It may not be exact, I think maybe lighter, but definitely try it.

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