Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

It says on the box to not do this, but the salons do this for you if you ask them. You also see it on TV all the time. Does the box just say that to cover their butts? Does anybody else dye their eyebrows themselves?

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

though it is safe, but the density of hair growth over the eyebrow and hair follicle varies so the result will not be effective. secondly my dear friend it will actually look awkward coloring your eyebrow and thirdly the reason why companies forbid you to put it on eye brows is that these are chemicals and if they enter your eyes by mistake they can do considerable damage.

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

If the box says not to then DON'T. At the salon they probably use a specfic hair dye....they're professionals so they know what they are doing

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

i think it's a bad idea1

and it even looks so artificial!

i'd rather keep them natural.

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

on the box it says not to do it as if you don't know what your doing the dye can drip into your eyes causing you to go blind

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

The salon uses a diff dye but i do it at home plenty ( i am blonde and dye my hair dark so i have to dye my eyebrows aswell - or i would look like crap) i have not had any problems thus far

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

No, you should follow the directions on the box, because you might cause problems with your sight if you do it yourself and the chemicals go into your eye.

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

Absolutely unsafe. You may become blind.***

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

oh, I'm sure that a lot of people have died theirs. I done it. You have to be so careful because blindnes can occur. You know its safer at the salon though because they do this often and have the experience. If you don't feel comfortabe then don't do it yourself.

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

you can , but , be very careful . use a q -tip to apply . remove with a wash cloth . we do it all the time to our clients at my salon , but remember ,, we are licensed .

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

no id nt thuink so..u c its always gud to spend money on a good salon and get ur colouring done! n yeah go in for loreal

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

oh no - don't ever experiment with your brows - you can really embarrass yourself if you **** up

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

I know someone who got a bit of dye in her eye from her hair colour dye. Her eye had a red mark for YEARS!! I think that special eyebrow dye is very different in composition. I wouldn't do it...

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

Don't do any thing which is not recommended on the box. If you are really interested in coloring your eyebrows then better go to some professional as they know their job well I will not recommend you to do the job yourself as you might hurt yourself.

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

yes i do just dont keep it in to long keep watching it

Is it safe to dye your eyebrows when coloring your hair at home?

I dye mine everytime I color my hair. Just be VERY VERY careful NOT TO GET IT IN YOUR EYES!!!

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