I looked at your pictures on your 360'; I think you should go very slightly darker. Judging from the pictures, including your skin tone and eye color, I would suggest a golden brown color, a chestnut type of brown, or a strawberry blond type of color. Subtlety is important -- a color that would bring out the highlights in your hair as well, would be important.
Anything darker would be a "Don't".
p.s. your kitties are real cute
I'm thinking of coloring my hair darker, Should I or shouldn't I?
Darker hair is very sexy, you should at least try it once. I am a very dark brunette and I went platinum blonde!! Just make sure you go to a professional to get the right color for your skin tone. Have fun!!
I'm thinking of coloring my hair darker, Should I or shouldn't I?
My suggestion would be to go gradual. If you are going several tones darker, do a color in between and then darken it in few weeks. I just did this recently and it worked out great!!
I'm thinking of coloring my hair darker, Should I or shouldn't I?
it depends, if youve lived most your life as a blonde like me, you will regret going dark after awhile, i did and LOVED it for like 3 months, during the winter, then spring/summer rolled around and i wanted blonde again, and its more a bi*** on your hair to go back to blonde, so, i really am no help, lol. And all the guys i knew were pissed becuz they loved my blonde hair. But try it once if youve never done it, you only have one head , so. experiment.
I'm thinking of coloring my hair darker, Should I or shouldn't I?
no because in whittish people black hairs do not look like.you can make your hair some darker.
I'm thinking of coloring my hair darker, Should I or shouldn't I?
I just went from medium blonde to dark brown. I'm naturally brunette. I have been getting so many comments on how much younger I look. It also makes my eyes stand out more
I'm thinking of coloring my hair darker, Should I or shouldn't I?
I'm looking at your little pic - but I think lowlights are safe to try out and use a demi-permanent color - go to a good salon - try the Redken color products.
I'm thinking of coloring my hair darker, Should I or shouldn't I?
If you are blonde you probabally won't like darker hair. But it will probabally look better. I was blonde for 5 years and loved it. Then I went dark. Everyone said it looked better, and I can see that too, but the saying is true, "blondes have more fun" It depends where you are in your life. If you are young and going to the clubs and like attn from guys, stay blonde, if you are older and have a family maybe darker will be better. I know that sounds pretty bad, but it is true. I have been there.
Dark hair always looks healthier and your face will look nicer.
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