Monday, April 16, 2012

How often can you color your hair safely with store bought coloring kits?

I'm not sure what you mean by coloring it "safely". If you're worried about it falling out or something, just make sure to use a lot of conditioner, and don't re-dye it like once a week, lol. Follow the directions on the box, wait about a month and a half or two months before touching it up.

How often can you color your hair safely with store bought coloring kits?

You can do it as often as you'd like. The safest way to do it is to die your whole head of hair then the next month only die the roots. That way it wont damage your hair. Then the next month (month 3) die your whole head of hair!

How often can you color your hair safely with store bought coloring kits?

at first your hair will be fine, but in the long run you'll have horrible dry looking hair. i suggest you get it done proffes. but if not than color it every 4 months and roots every 1 month.

How often can you color your hair safely with store bought coloring kits?

I think it's like every 3-4 weeks. If you use a hair dye with like good conditioner or "hair protectant" in it, it usually doesn't damage the hair as bad.

How often can you color your hair safely with store bought coloring kits?

Colour the whole head every 3 months,but colour your routs once a month if th colour is very fiferent from your natural hair colour.If is near to the colour you buy,do it every 2 months and more,when you see that it needs to.

How often can you color your hair safely with store bought coloring kits?

. hair dye wont really damage your hair even if you do it a lot, but drug store dyes are usually filled with harsh alkali閳ユ獨 and even metallic salts. Stick to professional products. They last longer, the results are better, and its better for your hair!

How often can you color your hair safely with store bought coloring kits?

if that company has root touch ups, use those.

if it doesnt have root touch ups then re dye once in two moths.

dont dye each month or it will damage you hair.

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