Monday, April 16, 2012

How long after you color your hair should you wait before coloring it again?

You should wait at least 6 weeks that way you wont damage your hair. Coloring it too soon can lead to discoloration, breakage, and dryness of the hair.

How long after you color your hair should you wait before coloring it again?

however long it takes for the original color to show through the new color then re color it

How long after you color your hair should you wait before coloring it again?

6 weeks unless you want it dry and fried

How long after you color your hair should you wait before coloring it again?

you should wait at least six months i think

How long after you color your hair should you wait before coloring it again?

2 months

How long after you color your hair should you wait before coloring it again?

i think its something like 3 months (it might say in the dying instructions)

How long after you color your hair should you wait before coloring it again?

If you get it done by professionals, it can be colored the same day. Thing is, if they are going over a color that you are trying to change, they are more than likely just using a rinse. Make sure that you properly condition your hair if you are going to do it yourself. And if you are doing it yourself, I would make sure to wait at least two weeks.

How long after you color your hair should you wait before coloring it again?

3 weeks earliest... 1 month is usually best

How long after you color your hair should you wait before coloring it again?

Depends what color you want it........from black to blonde you need to wait a long time.....usually 2-3mo if its nothing dramatic

How long after you color your hair should you wait before coloring it again?

Honey: Your hair can be coloured every six weeks or so depending on whether your roots show or not. If you use semi-permanent colour it will fade over time and you do not need to recolour.

One thing is for certain, if you colour your hair you need to use the right products to protect your investment and hair health such as Wella, Davines, Tigi. The store-bought products are just cheap in quality and will damage your colour and be way too rough on your hair.

Happy coloring,

Mr. M on "how long."

How long after you color your hair should you wait before coloring it again?

* Hair coloring tips

* Hair Dyeing Tips

How long after you color your hair should you wait before coloring it again?

6 weeks, if you over do it it makes your hair thin and rubbery!

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