Well when i dyed my hair dark brown it got on my skin so i used salt water.God luck geting it off.,
Hey I am coloring my hair, how do I get the dye off my skin?
Wear the gloves.
Put vaseline or thick lotion around your hairline/neck/ears.
Hey I am coloring my hair, how do I get the dye off my skin?
rubbing alcohol?
Hey I am coloring my hair, how do I get the dye off my skin?
Prevention is a better way to go with a barrier creme. Just don't get the creme on your hair or the color wont take. One technique that is quite effective is to dampen your head when you wish to shampoo the color out and add shampoo around your hair line and rub your skin gently using your hair as an abrasive. Don't rub to hard or add too much water.if that doesn't work try this. It may sound yucky and it isn't found in too many places anymore but believe it or not cigarette ash made wet with water is effective.
Hey I am coloring my hair, how do I get the dye off my skin?
Nailpolish remover works nicely.
Some of my skin was dyed when I went in to get it dyed black, and my stylist recommended it.
And it doesn't damage your skin at all.
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