Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Does Temp Hair Dye Have Metallic in it? I want to use Color Fix?

The directions for Colorfix was not to use over henna or matalic hair dyes. I use the Natural Instincts and other Tempory Hair Colors.

I want to use Colorfix or a gentle hair color remover on the middle of my hair because my hair has layered hair coloring. The top part of the hair shaft, 4 inches or so near the roots, looks fine. It is redish, soft, pretty. But further down the shaft it is very dark brown and kinda muddy. I don't put color on the ends, to often, and so I think the blond processed hair underneath makes it a little lighter.

I think I would like to go a little lighter for the summer, may be redish light brown.

Thank you for your help.

Does Temp Hair Dye Have Metallic in it? I want to use Color Fix?

Colorfix is fine and is used by many women on www.longhaircommunity.com who also henna their hair and I have been doign so for at least 8 yrs now. The thing is that you must only use body art quality henna powder and then you wil be safe to use any dyes or chemicals safely without damaging your hair. When you buy premixed henna boxes they often contain additives or metallic salts and this is the problem.

Use colorfix only if you used body art quality henna powder. I don't want to see you damage your hair.

Does Temp Hair Dye Have Metallic in it? I want to use Color Fix?

with the diff. hair colors going on in your hair, and having a lot of exp. with the product color fix, and other strippers and bleaches alike, I would highly recommend you see a professional stylist/colorist or you can end up with an even harder to fix color dilemma. These products are very harsh and should not be used by non-professionals particularly when there is such a variation in hair color.

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