Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

So I have been dying my hair for like a year now and I'm naturally a dark brown. I have dyed my hair blonde and strawberry blonde. I'm not sure what color I should do my hair now, and not sure what would be best for my skin tone. I don't know if I should stay strawberry blonde or dye my hair another color.

So you tell me, do you like my hair color now or think I should dye if another color? If so, what color should I dye it?



What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

I think you would look great if you kept the same color tone but added some streaks of several different blonds that are lighter and darker. That way it will look more vibrant and really flatter your skin tone.

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

I think you should get some lo-lights done and get a tan! Darker hair will bring out your eye color more!

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

Looks like it already died to me.

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

like reddish maron brownis

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

:) My oppinion would be a darker color.It would bring out your eyes more.

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

dye it a dark brown and have lighter highlights

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

try dark blonde now.... or like ash:D

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

i would have to say stay away from white cuz it would make you look like an albino so try black

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

well i think you should stop getting the dye in a box because it really isnt that good of stuff.. go to a stylist and ask for a 2 or 3 tone warm brown color and in my opinion you should think about tapering in the front and layering in front and back and think about cutting off about 2 inches of length.. oh yeh and make sure the layers are soft and long

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

I think you should go with a darker color..... not black, but a good rich dark brown. The blonde hair doesn't do much for your skin. A darker brown would accentuate your eyes.....and I can tell you have the kind of hair that would have a glossy finish if you dyed it dark.....

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

Its not bad at all but I agree with taryn b.

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

purple or blue

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

black and pink because it loocks good and my friend has it too!!!!!!!!

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

Nah I think you look fine strawberry blonde it really suites you skin tone. Though I wouldn't go totally blond coz it'll look over the top. I think you'll look good in a light Blondy brown.

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?


What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

dark brown. yes! no more blonde.

oh ya and never dye your own hair. bleck. stylists r god. plz.

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

Keep it like that because i have red hair but i didnt die it so people say im strawberry blonde and there needs to be more strawberry blondes in the world cause there isnt many.Or i would say doing the first picture.

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

I think u would look prettty if u died your hair a brown-red or redish with thin blonde hightlights. But to b honest I like your hair is great with your skin tone and eye color included.

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

I hate to reuse statements but the fact is I can't help it. As I told someone asking about clothes earlier make it a color that will DRAW AWAY FROM YOUR FACE. First off, a tip to be more appealing to guys? Chapstick would really help your cracked lips

Another thing, your cheeks? What the heck happened? Your skin is baggy. I don't know much about feminine products but I'm sure there is something made for 50+ women to help that

Good luck with whatever color you pick but it wont help the overall 'you';

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?

If you have been a blonde for a long time you should take it dark for a new change.

What color should I dye my hair? picture included?


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