Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My real hair color?

ok, some strange things Ive been thinking about:

1. i was born blonde, and Im looking at school pictures-all throughout elementary ive been blonde, some years like 1st and 2nd grade I was very blonde, and each year after my hair color became darker. In middle school is was no longer blonde, and now 16 years old my hair is brown. (ive never dyed, streaked or bleached my hair) So, whats my real hair color? am I some type of hybrid with no specific hair color, and will i turn blonde again? What do I refer myself to? Also, im getting a new passport soon, my last one I was blonde, and Im sure under the physical characteristics it said blonde hair/ blue eyes, etc. Will it say brown in my new one?


2. Starting in middle school ive gotten a few small moles, or beauty marks, w/e their called on one cheek, I've never had them younger, but when I was a baby I had a large birthmark on my back, which is now gone. So, do my birthmarks move around and disappear/appear?

My real hair color?

I have the same hair color problem, I used to be blonde now I'm more brunette, but my family still says I'm blonde and people who haven't known me for a long time say I'm brunette. It confuses me too!

But someone told me that your true hair/ eye color doesn't show until you're older and your body is able to produce enough pigment in those areas

I refer myself as a former blonde and occasionally I just say I have light brown hair.

I would say you're brunette because your hair now has more pigment, your not a hybrid hair color is just a really complex trait that has been completely figured out yet, and your hair shouldn't turn blonde again unless it bleaches in the sun

Your passport should say brown, if your hair looks brown

My real hair color?

You're a brunette. It won't go back to blonde. My friend had blonde hair and green eyes when she was born, but as she grew to her teenage years, she got black hair and light brown eyes.

My real hair color?

most peoples colouring changes as they grow up (i was born platnium blonde and now i have dark brown hair naturally) and as for moles and freckles you will find these fading and appearing depending on your age and sun exposure. don't worry about it and if you being brunette gets you down you can always invest in a trip to the stylist to get it lightened (and yes it will probably say brown on your passport)

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