Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hair color and highlights?

i have medium-dark brown hair, light brown eyes, and fair skin (which gets a golden glow in the summer). i want to either get highlights or dye my hair a completely different color and i can't decide what to do so please tell me which you think would look better:

1) caramel blonde highlights

2) red highlights

3) dye hair auburn

4) dye hair light brown and highlight

5) dye hair blonde completely

oh yea, and i recently cut my hair into a bob (but i plan on growing it out again), so idk if that makes any difference or not.

Hair color and highlights?

It depends on what color brown your eyes are. Do they have golden flecks in them, or are they a more neutral brown? With your golden skin tone in the summer, I don't like the idea of red or auburn in your hair. As a stylist we usually do more neutral colors in the spring and summer and more golden or red colors in the fall and winter to complement the lighter skin tones you get then. I would leave your natural color alone and just put some caramel highlights throughought with a neutral tint. Some people consider caramel to have a reddish tint. I don't. It will be cheaper and there will be less maintenance to just put highlights in your hair instead of changing the entire color. Hope this helps!

Hair color and highlights?

I think same color hair and either auburn or red highlights would look hot in your hair ^_^

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